Unique Foliage Plants for Sale in Sioux Falls

Are you looking to add a unique flair to your summer containers this year? Foliage plants are an excellent way to fill out your containers or hanging baskets while providing charm and beauty alongside other annuals or perennials. Landscape Garden Centers strives to offer one of the most broad selections of foliage plants for sale at our Garden Center in Sioux Falls.

Elevate Your Summer Containers

Our favorite unique foliage plants include:

  • Talinum Jewels of Opar - Bright green foliage with small pink flowers, adds texture

  • Ornamental Oregano - Aromatic foliage with delicate blooms, enhances mixed plantings

  • Eucalyptus - Silvery leaves, adds a refreshing scent and fine texture

  • Citronella - Lemon-scented leaves, useful for repelling insects

The Best Foliage Plants

A good foliage plant stands out and creates its own visual appeal. Choose plants that showcase vibrant colors and unique patterns, or have interesting textures that contrast the other plants in your containers. Since these plants often receive a lot of sun, they should be durable and capable of withstanding the various climate conditions that happen throughout the season. These plants should also be low maintenance and only require minimal watering and pruning as they grow.

Browse Our Foliage Plants in Sioux Falls Today!

Stop by our Garden Center in Sioux Falls and browse our large selection of foliage plants from the spring until fall. Landscape Garden Centers' greenhouse also has a variety of shrubs, trees, and flowers. Inside our garden store you can find mulch, soil, seeds, and a gift for your yard or home!

Have questions on plants or garden tools? Give us a call, fill out our contact form, or stop by the Sioux Falls garden center today.


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