
Whether you have a home or business in Sioux Falls or live in the surrounding area, Landscape Garden Centers is ready to help install and upkeep your irrigation sprinkler system.

With proper irrigation, your property, lawn, and yard are able to be well maintained and adequately watered without much effort on your part. If you have any questions on our lawn maintenance or irrigation services in Sioux Falls, contact us today.

  • Sprinkler System Installations Are Our Expertise Image Via Landscape Garden Centers, Sioux Falls South Dakota


    Need to install sprinkler systems for your lawn or landscape? Our irrigation design experts can help!

    We install new irrigation systems for residential and commercial properties and offer free estimates.

    Count on Landscape Garden Centers to deliver for your next irrigation system.

    Our technicians are experienced in Hunter, Toro, and Rainbird irrigation technologies.


    Please click the appropriate link below to schedule your irrigation service.

    North Sioux Falls (north of 22nd st)

    Central Sioux Falls

    South Sioux Falls (south of 57th st)




    Out of Town or Business - Please Call to Schedule (605-338-0706)

  • Watering The Grass And Sprinkler Heads Image Via Landscape Garden Centers


    Need a sprinkler head replaced? Or have a plugged line? Contact our professional irrigation team for quality work and service.

    Landscape Garden Centers’ irrigation sprinkler services technicians have years of experience serving our customers when it comes to sprinkler repairs.

    Our technicians can be depended on to handle service calls professionally, whether in your home or business. If you need an estimate first before the work begins, we have you covered.